Join the GROW program for startups
The GROW program
Do you dream of:
- Your business grow
- Your profits increase
- Your product gain popularity
- To have energy and focus to grow your business
Then join the program!

The GROW program is for you if:
- You are a Startup with established business or you have a clear product concept that you want to launch
- You are serious about it and are willing to dedicate your time and effort to grow your business to the next level
- You are ready to take action and implement some changes in your business and your life in order to succeed
- You know you need professional support and guidance to achieve your goals
I have been having mentoring sessions with Daiva for a few months now and they have been invaluable! Daiva draws on her extensive experience to challenge my thinking and help me recognize the archilles heel in my assumptions. Shifting our marketing focus to speak directly to kids has been a really important learning thanks to Daiva. Staying focused is always easier said than done, but Daiva has helped guide us to tools and techniques to help us stay on track. She is amazing!
Gemma PepperCEO / Co-Founder - AUDIOPLAY, Australia Daiva took part in one of the final steps creating our company‘s positioning strategy. During the workshop with her we have managed to crystallize what was the most important, sustainable and valuable in our brand and our products. She helped us to finalize rather exhausting process and move to implementation step.
Vesta KrungolcienėBrand Executive Director, AB Audimas, Lithuania I have worked with Daiva in her role as a coach, and later as a business partner for my startup Squar3D.
Daiva has a solid professional foundation and is forthcoming and direct in her communication. This has been wielded to very efficiently and effectively improve my business and to get a sensible strategy in place. She is very focused on executing and achieving results.
Through sparring and encouragement she pushes me to achieve the best possible results, while at the same time keeping the collaboration pleasant, encouraging and constructive. I am very happy I got Daiva onboard very early in my startup, and feel that she has moved my business forward more in a month, than what I would have achieved in half a year. - Martin Mortensen - CEO, Denmark
Martin MortensenCEO, Denmark Daiva Naldal er en yderst skarpsindig kapacitet indenfor brand strategi og brand story. Vi i FIVEMOREMINUTES har draget stor nytte af Daivas viden og know-how særligt med henblik på, at definere virksomhedens vækstmuligheder (nye potentielle kunder/markeder/produkter). Vi ser meget frem til, at fortsætte vores stærke samarbejde med Daiva.
Peter AbildhaugerCEO, DenmarkGROW program for startups :
5 or 10 weeks training and coaching
- Business Diagnostics: We check the ‘health’ of your product and your business model
- Your brand strategy: We make your product or service to stand out from the crowd and attract more relevant customers
- Your business growth areas: we map the opportunities for growth that can be executed, without you loosing energy and focus
What do you get?
- Sharpened product and business formula that optimize your current business potential and profitability
- Clear brand identity and messaging that makes your customers to fall ( and stay) in love with your product
- Your business opportunity roadmap – with identified opportunities & risks that makes your growth journey smooth and your decisions confident
Get ready to grow your business
Available in English, Danish and Lithuanian.
Book your FREE 30 min consultation
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with your business. Please leave your contact details and I
will get back to schedule an appointment